The Federation of Ministers and Churches International (FMCI) was established in the late 1980s.
FMCIFMCI is a relational network of five-fold ministries (Ephesians 4:11), local churches, chief musicians, intercessors, marketplace leaders, and compassion ministries. Member churches and ministries are scattered across the USA. FMCI reaches into seventeen nations relationally and has apostolic linkage in the following nations: Ghana, Slovakia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Belize, and Mexico. In 2004, FMCI established the International Leadership Embassy in Washington, DC. This ministry, led by Dr. Hope Taylor, reaches into many levels of civil government, and mobilizes intercession for those serving in civil government. FMCI serves the Body of Christ though Regional Reformation Institutes (RRI) which are conducted periodically across the nation. These Institutes focus on Spiritual Awakening-Reformation and Cultural Transformation. Federation of Ministers and Churches International seeks to fulfill its vision by raising up and deploying apostolic-prophetic teams which will synergistically serve local church leaders. Through these relational partnerships, the local church will progress toward its God-given destiny, the Kingdom of God will be advanced in the community, and societal transformation will be released.
1. Ministry to The Lord: Scripturally-based and Spirit-energized harp, bowl, and crown worship and praise. (Acts 15:16; Revelation 4:10; Revelation 5:8).
2. Five-Fold Ministry Gifts: These raise up and equip local leaders, local churches, and regional training centers. (Ephesians 4:11-13). 3. Apostolic Centers, Apostolic Teams, and Local Churches: These are the divinely ordained vehicles that extend the Kingdom of God in cities, regions, and nations. (Acts 13:1-4; Romans 1:5; Romans 15:15-29). 4. The Global Mission of The Church: Our focus in the nations is the training and equipping of indigenous church leaders, government leaders, and marketplace leaders in a Kingdom worldview and economic evangelism. (Isaiah 2:1-4). 5. Intercessory Prayer: Our emphases are: (1) raising up each local church to be a house of prayer for all nations (Matthew 21:13; Isaiah 56:7); and (2) releasing imprecatory prayers against the enemies of the Gospel (Revelation 6:10). 6. The Commissioning of Kingdom leaders: This involves encouraging and releasing members of the Body of Christ to influence and impact the seven mountains of culture beyond the family and the church: civil government, education, economy, media, arts and entertainment. 7. Prophetic Ministry to Civil Governments: The transformation of societies and nations is released through a relational partnership of godly spiritual leadership and godly civil government leadership. (Daniel 11:1;Â Nehemiah 2:1-8) |
JOIN FMCIWe are an apostolic family seeking the new wineskins of the 21st century Church and pursuing transformation of society and culture.
We are a prophetic army enlisted to contend with the spiritual forces in the earth who oppose the implementation of our Father’s will in history. |
The Federation of Ministers and Churches International seeks to fulfill its vision by raising up and deploying apostolic-prophetic teams which will synergistically serve local church leaders. Through these relational partnerships, the local church will progress toward its God-given destiny, the Kingdom of God will be advanced in the community, and societal transformation will be released.