The roots of FMCI go back to 1988 in Dallas, Texas.
Jim Hodges, pastor of Church of The King...Jim Hodges, pastor of Church of The King, called for a gathering of pastors and ministry friends. In 1988, the “world’s smallest pastors’ conference” was convened and six pastors attended. In 2004 over 400 pastors, five-fold ministries, worship leaders, and elders met in Arlington, Texas, for the annual FMCI international leadership conference.
The name Federation of Ministers and Churches International was decided on when Pastor Glen Hobgood and Pastor Jack Carter met with Brother Hodges in Little Rock, Arkansas. These three, along with their wives, met in a hotel and laid some foundational plans. In 1990 Jim transitioned from the pastorate in Dallas to become full-time apostolic team leader. Offices were opened in Duncanville, Texas. In 1993, the formal doctrinal statement was constructed. This was largely the work of Dr. Patti Amsden of Son-Life Church in Collinsville, IL. It was in 1994 when it was decided to put some legal and administrative definition to our ministry relationships. FMC was incorporated as a non-profit religious organization (501-C3). In 2003 the name was edited to Federation of Ministers and Churches International. This was done in response to a prophetic word given by Cindy Jacobs. |
JOIN FMCIWe are an apostolic family seeking the new wineskins of the 21st century Church and pursuing transformation of society and culture.
We are a prophetic army enlisted to contend with the spiritual forces in the earth who oppose the implementation of our Father’s will in history. |
The Federation of Ministers and Churches International seeks to fulfill its vision by raising up and deploying apostolic-prophetic teams which will synergistically serve local church leaders. Through these relational partnerships, the local church will progress toward its God-given destiny, the Kingdom of God will be advanced in the community, and societal transformation will be released.