Through these relational partnerships, the local church will...
The Federation of Ministers and Churches International seeks to fulfill its vision by raising up and deploying apostolic-prophetic teams which will synergistically serve local church leaders. Through these relational partnerships, the local church will progress toward its God-given destiny, the Kingdom of God will be advanced in the community, and societal transformation will be released.
VISION STATEMENTThe vision of FMCI is to extend the Kingdom of God in history through cultural transformation according to the Dominion Mandate of Genesis 1:28 and the Great Commission of Matthew 28:19-20.
The vision is facilitated by: 1. Restoring Biblical order in the family, church, and civil government. 2. Equipping the people of God through the five-fold Ascension Gifts of Christ. 3. Connecting spiritual fathers and spiritual sons in transgenerational ministry. 4. Embracing reformation in the Church so that the Body of Christ is restored to the New Testament Apostolic Pattern and thereby enabled to embrace new wineskins of ministry for the 21st century. 5. Pursuing personal, societal, and cultural transformation in cities, regions, and nations until we see transformation according to the revelation of advancing Kingdom of God in the earth. |
JOIN FMCIWe are an apostolic family seeking the new wineskins of the 21st century Church and pursuing transformation of society and culture.
We are a prophetic army enlisted to contend with the spiritual forces in the earth who oppose the implementation of our Father’s will in history. |
The Federation of Ministers and Churches International seeks to fulfill its vision by raising up and deploying apostolic-prophetic teams which will synergistically serve local church leaders. Through these relational partnerships, the local church will progress toward its God-given destiny, the Kingdom of God will be advanced in the community, and societal transformation will be released.